Cross-country driving on a motorcycle can be the most fun and most lonely activity. It’s a feeling of being with someone and yet being alone all at the same time. You can drive along with your friends, but you’re also alone on your own bike, just being surrounded by the view of your journey.

Admit it, riding on a bike is badass. But riding the bike alone on a long journey, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Reasons to go on a long motorcycle drive:

Destination. Where do you want to go and why? The cross-country drive on a bike could be a good motivator to finally see a friend who lives across the country or to finally see that famous landmark that’s been talked about in social media.

It’s also a good mood starter for a camp on a dessert, like a true outdoorsman/woman. And it’s a good time to bond with fellow motorcycle enthusiasts.

Journey. Sometimes, the journey is more important than the destination. The sights along the way alone could be the best reward.

Preparations for long motorcycle drive

Riding skills. The motorcycle should be in tune with their bike and be able to tell when to push or when to stop.

Maps and layout of the road. While it is always a wonder to discover, it will always be of great help if the biker has a general idea of the location they’re driving on. Also, it is always good to know where the next gas station is.

Weather. Misfortunes (and accidents) brought about by unstable weather could be avoided if the rider has a forecast of the weather during the drive.

And the driver must not forget that safety is first. The protective gears one should wear during the drive should be complete. Check for the provisions (food, water, and medicine). And of course, the basic tools to have. It’s also important to have a spare key.

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